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5 Steps to Teach Your Baby to Fall Asleep On Their Own

Teaching a baby to fall asleep independently is a gradual process, and it requires patience and consistency. Here are some steps you can take to help your baby learn to fall asleep on their own:

baby sleeping in a crib. self soothing
Establish a bedtime routine:

Consistency is key when it comes to establishing a bedtime routine. A consistent bedtime routine can help your baby feel secure and relaxed, which can make falling asleep easier. A bedtime routine can include a warm bath, a story, or some calming music. Make sure you position a feed at the beginning of the routine to avoid a feed-to-sleep association.

Set up a conducive sleep environment:

Make sure your baby's sleep environment is comfortable and conducive to sleep. This can include a comfortable mattress, a dark and quiet room, and a comfortable sleeping outfit. Use sleep cues such as closing the blinds, turning on the white noise, and putting on a sleep sack to signal bedtime to your child.

Put your baby down in their crib drowsy but awake:

Instead of waiting until your baby is completely asleep before putting them down in their crib, try putting them down when they are drowsy but still awake. Then, soothe them while they are in the crib by rubbing their back, patting their bum, shushing them, etc. This will help your baby learn to fall asleep in their own space, without relying on you to put them to sleep.

Gradually decrease they amount of time and help you provide during this process:

Begin by decreasing the touching. Then, distance yourself from the crib after putting them down. Eventually, get to the point where you are just put them down and walk out of the room.

Be consistent:

Consistency is key when it comes to teaching your baby to fall asleep independently. Stick to a consistent bedtime routine, and be patient as your baby learns this new skill.

Remember, independent sleep is a difficult skill for your baby to learn. Be patient and move slowly. Make sure they are well rested from naps during the day, otherwise they will have a much more difficult time falling asleep.

Want more direction and explicit detail on how exactly to do this? Don't worry, I can help with that! My course- Compassionate Sleep Training will teach you everything you need to know! You'll go through 4 modules which will cover the sleep science basics, how to set yourself up for success in the areas that are proven to greatly affect sleep, how to respond to wake ups and teach independent sleep, and how to master naps which will, in-turn, help with nights too! All in the most gentle, responsive way that is based on child development science and a secure attachment theory.

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