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Kelsey Flores
May 3, 20242 min read
5 Steps to Teach Your Baby to Fall Asleep On Their Own
Teaching a baby to fall asleep independently is a gradual process, and it requires patience and consistency. Here are some steps you can...
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Kelsey Flores
Nov 12, 20233 min read
3 Things you can do during the day to help your baby sleep at night
In the magical world of parenthood, the joy of bringing a new life into the world is often accompanied by the mysterious realm of baby...
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Kelsey Flores
Apr 13, 20232 min read
Help! My baby will only sleep on me! 6 steps to move away from contact naps.
Sweet snuggly naps are so important in the early days of your baby’s life. You are bonding with them, they are bonding with you, and they...
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Kelsey Flores
Apr 13, 20232 min read
3 Ways to help your newborn sleep
Newborns are new to this world. They have just been born, out of a dark, safe, snuggly womb and into a vast world that is confusing to...
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Kelsey Flores
Apr 6, 20232 min read
Why are naps so hard for my baby?
I hear you, mama! Your baby only slept for 30 minutes. They fought falling asleep for an hour. They only seem to want to sleep on you....
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Kelsey Flores
Apr 2, 20232 min read
Infant Sleep Regressions: What Parents Need to Know
We’ve all heard the word and felt the dread…sleep regression! I get it, Mama! But before you get nervous and change everything you are...
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Kelsey Flores
Apr 2, 20233 min read
6 tips for setting your baby’s bedtime routine
Establishing a bedtime routine is a vital step in setting up good sleep hygiene for your baby. Predictable routines lead to babies...
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Kelsey Flores
Mar 8, 20232 min read
Surviving Daylight Savings: 3 Tips to help your child sleep
Daylight savings may be one of the most dreaded times for parents because they know exactly what it means... their baby's schedule is...
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